Esoteric Studies Professional Organization


Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this survey is to determine if there is a sufficient amount of interest among scholars, working in the area of esoteric studies, to warrant the formation of a professional organization. If there is a sufficient interest in forming an organization then the nature, scope, and extent of the organization will be determined by the charter members. The information gathered from this survey will be used to give direction to the initial steps of the organizing process. The results of this survey will be made available in a future issue of Esoterica: The Journal of Esoteric Studies. Your cooperation and time are greatly appreciated.



Please answer all of the questions that apply to you. You can either return the completed survey via email to or mail it to the address given at the end of the form. If you should have any questions or require additional information please feel free to contact Prof. John D. Richards, Dept. of Sociology and Philosophy, West Virginia State College, Institute, WV 25177. Phone: (304) 766-3048.


  1. Name:____________________________________________________________
  2. Institutional Affiliation:_____________________________________________

    Address: _________________________________________________________


    Phone: ____________________________

    Email: _____________________________


    Areas of Interest: ___________________________________





  3. Do you believe that there is a need for a professional esoteric studies organization?
  4. _____yes _____no

  5. If you answered yes to question 2, would you be interested in helping with the
  6. development of an organization?

    _____yes _____no


  7. Would you be willing to serve as an officer in the organization?
  8. _____yes _____no


  9. If you answered yes to question 4, what office would you be willing to consider? (Check all that apply.)
  10. _____President

    _____Vice President



    _____Board Member

    _____Other (Please specify:____________________ )


  11. Would you prefer the scope of the organization to be: (Select one.)


    _____North American


    _____Other (Please specify:___________________ )


  13. Would you willing to have your contact information and areas of interest
  14. included in a membership directory for the purpose of professional networking?

    _____yes _____no


  15. Would you be interested in attending a professional conference on esoteric
  16. studies?

    _____yes _____no


  17. If you answered yes to question 8, which of the following would you be
  18. interested in doing? (Check all that apply.)

    _____Help organize the conference.

    _____Present a paper.

    _____Participate on a discussion panel.

    _____Chair or moderate either a paper or panel



  19. Please list the subject areas that you believe a professional esoteric studies

organization should include.


    1. ______________________________
    2. ______________________________
    3. ______________________________
    4. ______________________________
    5. ______________________________












Please either return as email to:

Or mail to:

Prof. John D. Richards

Dept. of Sociology and Philosophy

West Virginia State College

Institute, WV 25112
