Dear colleague,

Possibly you are familiar with the existence, since 1985, of the Paris-based journal ARIES, that used to be published by La Table d’Émeraude and Archè-Edidit. We are pleased to announce that, from january 2001 on, Aries will be published by Brill Academic Publishers, in a strongly revised format and with a new editorial formula. We are confident that Aries: Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism has the potential of becoming the leading academic journal in the study of western esotericism, and may come to play a key role in the needed professionalization of the field.

In order for this to happen, however, we need your help. You are hereby heartily invited to submit any manuscript you believe might be fit for publication in Aries: Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism, or to suggest to your colleagues to do so. All manuscripts that reach us will be subject to a standard procedure of anonymous reviewing, so as to enable us to publish a journal of the highest possible quality. Attached to the present note, please find some standard information.

We are looking forward to your response. Yours sincerely,

The Editors.






Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism

Aries appears twice a year and is published by Royal E.J. Brill academic publishers, Leyden (The Netherlands). Each volume consists of approx. 300 pages. Aries is edited by the Chair for the "History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents" of the University of Amsterdam and the Chair "Courants Ésotériques et Mystiques dans l’Europe Moderne et Contemporaine" of the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Sorbonne), Paris.

Editorial Policy. Aries welcomes articles and book reviews on all aspects of the study of esoteric currents in modern and contemporary western culture. Contributions focusing on earlier periods (antiquity, middle ages) will be considered if clearly relevant to the study of modern and contemporary western esotericism. "Western esotericism" is understood as including the revival of Hermetism and the so-called "occult philosophy" in the early modern period as well as its later developments; alchemy, Paracelsianism and Rosicrucianism; Christian Kabbalah and its later developments; theosophical and illuminist currents; and various occultist and related developments during the 19th and 20th centuries. Aries concentrates on historical rather than sociological research, but encourages interdisciplinary approaches including the use of social-science methodologies within a historical framework. While critical scholarship is very welcome, Aries is not a podium for religious or ideological apologetics or polemics.


Prof. Roland Edighoffer (University of Paris-III-Sorbonne-Nouvelle)

Prof. Antoine Faivre (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sciences Religieuses, Sorbonne, Paris)

Prof. Dr. Wouter J. Hanegraaff (University of Amsterdam)

Editorial Assistant:

Drs. Andréa Kroon (University of Amsterdam)

Editorial Board/International Consultants.:

Dr. Jean-Pierre Brach (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sciences Religieuses, Sorbonne, Paris)

Dr. Arthur McCalla (Reed College, Portland, Oregon)

Prof. Dr. Monika Neugebauer-Wölk (University of Halle)

Mr. Marco Pasi (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sciences Religieuses, Sorbonne, Paris)

Editorial Address:

Aries, c/o Andréa Kroon. Faculty of Humanities, Dept. Theology and Religious Studies. Oude Turfmarkt 147, NL-1012 GC Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tel. +31 20 525 3571. Fax. +31 20 525 3572. E-mail:





The Editors will consider for publication articles that have not previously appeared or been submitted simultaneously elsewhere. All manuscripts will be submitted to a procedure of anonymous peer review. Authors will be required to sign a statement assigning copyright to the publisher.

General Guidelines

As a rule, articles should be between 5.000 and 10.000 words. Three copies of the manuscript (double spaced, including bibliography and footnotes; with broad margins; printed on one side of the paper only) should be sent to the Editorial Address. The text should be as "flat" as possible; please emphasize words, phrases and titles of books by underlining, but avoid boldface and italic. A disk will be required only after the article has been accepted for publication.


Articles may be submitted in English, French, German and Italian.


Every article must contain an abstract in English between 250 and 500 words. Articles written in English should contain an additional abstract in one of the three other languages accepted by the journal.

Autobiographical Statement

Every article must be accompanied by a short autobiographical statement mentioning the author’s year of birth, institutional affiliation and a few titles of relevant publications.


Articles may contain illustrations if these are clearly relevant to the argument, and referred to in the main text. Clearing permission for reproduction falls under the responsibilities of the author.

Notes and Bibliography

Articles must contain a complete alphabetically-ordered bibliography at the end of the main text, according to the following format.

- Books: Author, A.B., This is the Title of his Book: This is the Subtitle, City: Publisher, Year.

- Articles in Journals: Author, A.B., ‘This is the Title of the Article’, Journal 5:1 (1999), 100-120.

- Articles in Books: Author, A.B., ‘This is the Title of the Article’, in: Editor, A.B. (ed.), This is the Title of the Collective Volume, City: Publisher, Year, 100-120.

Footnotes should be numbered consecutively for the whole article. They must refer to the bibliography by giving the author’s family name, an abbreviated title of the publication, followed by page nr(s). For example:

- Books: Author, Title Words, 112.

- Articles: Author, ‘Title Words’, 112-113.


Style Issues

Always use single quotation marks (‘’) for relatively short direct quotations. Longer quotations should be presented as a separate block of text, indented on the left, preceded and followed by a blank line, and printed in characters of normal size; such longer quotations are not enclosed in quotation marks. Double quotation marks ("") are reserved for single words, concepts or short phrases that are not a quotation.

Quotation marks should always precede punctuation marks. Footnote numbers in the text should follow quotation marks but precede punctuation marks. For example:

This sentence contains ‘one quotation’1; and ends with a footnote and a full stop2.

Book Reviews

Title description should be according to the guidelines used for bibliographies in articles (see above), with additional mention of the ISBN number. Book reviews should not normally exceed a length of appr. 1500 words. They must contain a critical discussion of the publication(s) under review, rather than merely summarizing the contents. Reviews of considerably greater length (including reviews of several clearly related titles) may be submitted as a review article, and may or may not contain footnotes and a bibliography.

News rubric

Since Aries tries to keep its readership informed about upcoming events relevant to the study of western esotericism, the editors welcome announcements of conferences, exhibitions etc.

The news rubric also provides room for short presentations of academic dissertations. Such presentations should be submitted by the author, and the main text should not exceed 500 words. They must include information on how interested readers may secure a copy of the dissertation.

Books received will be mentioned in Aries.